How could i improve my main menu gui?

I need some feedback and possible examples on how i could improve my main menu gui and not have it super ugly.

UI feels empty, try to space out everything, change the font, it seems really simple and futuristic compared to the cartoony R6 rigs. I would also add more lighting, the setting seems very dark. You also have a boom box, you can analyse any song your playing at the menu and make the FOV change to the beat, I mainly see unorthodox accounting do this in their menu.


Got a really good point, Thanks!

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Tho i would like a quick example

Let’s take an example of unorthodox accounting, as they have a similar cartoony theme that your probably trying to make.
Menu(I don’t think the gif works on dev forum)

Here we have a big and wide font, filling up the whole space, making it feel full, with 1 button, and that is play, you can also see the FOV changing to the beat of the music, which adds depth and coolness you could say, and with the fast paced music, makes it feel energetic, sometimes you don’t need a lot of things, you just have to remove some things and space everything out.

When you remove things from the room, the room appears bigger. Same thing with this.

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heres my personal feedback. maybe add some ui corners to the ui and change the positioning of the camera since the dummies are getting blocked by the ui

you can use the mouse to slightly move the camera

I will change font but this is it so far. the fov is set to 90 but i find it kinda hard to do the fov part so i just scratched that idea

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add UI corners, add some scripted effects like add UIgradient and make the gradient move

You can also add UI corner and UI gradient and UIStroke to have a smooth ui with outline thats also colored

change fonts as well, roblox has tons of fonts to choose from and install

Coloured outlines is a bad idea, And gradients can be awful in a gui. UiCorners dont really fit the theme tho.

did change the font tho

depends on how you use it like so

the gradients rotate at 180 degrees infinitely on loop the background is very dark blue with dark grey and the gradient for outlining of texts are yellow, green, blue(was for a project)

UI corners were also added to keep the UIs neat and not ugly

The stroke ruins the ui, i think it should be a white stroke instead of rainbow as it is ugly as hell and makes it seem low-quality/effort

if your game is futuristic then darker gradients are for you, however thats not so much necessary, just add some UI corner and edit it slightly

its a randomizer game. it isnt meant to be futuristic, its a goofy game and simple

The script for the FOV part is really simple, this is all it is:

local Sound = workspace["Seek & Destroy"]--Your audio here

local DefaultFOV = 60

local currentFOV

local intensity = 0.5--0 to 1(or more if you want maximum feedback)

game["Run Service"].RenderStepped:Connect(function(delta)
	local Analyse = Sound.PlaybackLoudness
	currentFOV = DefaultFOV + (Analyse*(intensity*10)) / 1000
	workspace.CurrentCamera.FieldOfView = currentFOV


I recommend you delete this comment, its to short, I got one of mine taken down because of this lol.


Did you set the Default FOV to 90, I just put 70 because that’s the default. you can change it if you like.