How could I improve my UI?

How can I improve it for next time?
My third UI


that was the fastest reply I’ve ever seen.

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The paper texture is kind of off putting since everything else isn’t realistic looking.


It alright, nice but there is some improvement that could be made,

  • That font don’t really for to well to me, you should change it to a font that looks more appealing,

  • Is everything in there made by you?

  • Those little white sun shine on the UIS should get turn down a tad just a tad,

  • Accessories is small bring it up a little, cause character is big, or make character small,

  • Align accessories with that red,

These improvements could make it spicier,

Other than that Looks nice! :+1:

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Apart from the paper and the blue scroll (which was provided and was obligatory to use) everything is made by me.

Ok then, at least you didn’t take everything you made something :+1:

I’d try to find a font that fits the scrolls more. Maybe also try and blend the red borders on the side of the scroll and the red buttons more into the scroll. They kinda of stick out and are a bit off putting.

Another small gripe is how the text goes from black to white for seemingly no reason at the top and the bottom of the scroll. The whole thing doesn’t look bad though, can just use a few small fixes.