The Cyclone - An Arcade Game
Hiya! I’m currently working on creating an arcade game called The Cyclone. Keep in mind, this game is not even near close to done as there are still more improvements coming in the near future.
How the arcade game will function:
This game will start off with an introduction of instructions on how the game works then countdown and start the actual gameplay part of The Cyclone. The gameplay includes an on-going light that will go around and around in a circular motion using the lights that surround the button and text display (look at the image below for reference). The player’s goal is to click the button while the odd-looking indicator is lit. If the player fails to do so, they lose. And if they succeed, the player wins.
What type of feedback I’m looking for:
I’m mainly looking for feedback on how the game looks. I think it looks bland and simple and I want some ideas on what to add to it. If you have any ideas, please consider replying to this post with such ideas and or feedback on the build.
As always, thank you for taking the time to read this. Have a great day!