How could I improve these jeans?

So for a long while I’ve based my brand off making low quality shirts with text on them and its sold pretty well, however after nearly three years of doing this its become a little draining and I’ve wanted to start creating more work I’m proud of rather than I just make for income.

This is my first attempt at making clothing that isn’t simply black and white content with minimal effort.

They aren’t perfect and have room for improvement so I’d like some feedback to know what I could add or change to make them more appealing or improved.

Thanks in advance and sorry for the watermarks, I don’t trust anyone lol

It seems to me that your base color is a little too dark. Try to make it slightly lighter, and add shadows and highlights. You can also add an actual jean texture on top, it doesn’t look much like jeans to me rn.

Shadows and highlights are already done, along with a custom jean texture, the only thing I could take from this would be to increase the colour, which to me makes them feel too neon for jeans.

I turned my brightness up and now I can see what you mean. The second edit looks better, but yeah it is too bright. This is because you are using a lot of mid tones, try adding darker shadows around the edges, or generally where light wouldn’t normally reach, to simulate depth. You can even add more highlights around the pockets and so to show details in your clothing.

For instance, use your original piece and play with darker shadows and add relevancy to clothing details. Therefore allowing the pants to look more realistic.

Extra: Check how light bounces/reflects on specific fabrics. You can add your own touch after.

Hope this helped!

-The jeans seem TOO low cut
-Why do the pockets overlap with the front pockets
-The inner thighs wont line up with the front of the legs bc of the pocket lines
-Maybe work on your shoes
-Also the shading seems to go straight across but just bent
-Maybe each legs could have a more rounder shading?

Maybe make the front pockets end on the side thighs
and add back pockets instead!

But gj! I like ur color schemes ^-^

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