Hello, I want to make a flying car for my game. I can make a mesh for it, but I don’t know where to start scripting it.
I would appreciate any advice on how could I make the car.
Hello, I want to make a flying car for my game. I can make a mesh for it, but I don’t know where to start scripting it.
I would appreciate any advice on how could I make the car.
Maybe try to use BodyPosition.
(Sorry if you don’t know what I meant, I don’t speak English that good.)
Body Position is Deprecated
Use Linear Velocity, it cancels any gravitational force against any part, and you can add your force, and it will maintain a constant speed, despite its weight
actually you can if you want make use of the cars weight, i used this for a game that im making (this was for a spaceship so you might wanna change it a little for it to act like a car)
LinearVelocity.MaxForce = (weight * throttle)
LinearVelocity.VectorVelocity = Direction * (maxSpeed * throttle)