Really basic question, But how could I (Every 12AM UTC - 5) Get a random quest from a table of quests, And select it as a global quest? I’m very unfamiliar with os.time so i’d appreciate it immensely if someone could perhaps help me break it down.
os.time() provides a precise timestamp, essentially a numerical record of the exact moment in time since January 1, 1970. It’s commonly used for tasks requiring accurate timekeeping, such as scheduling events or measuring elapsed time.: os | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub
The code for your global Daily Reward System:
local QuestTable = {
"Quest 1",
"Quest 2",
"Quest 3",
-- Add more quests here
local function CheckAndSelectQuest()
local randomIndex = math.random(1, #QuestTable)
local selectedQuest = QuestTable[randomIndex]
print("Selected Quest:", selectedQuest) -- Replace this line with your global quest
local function GetNextTargetTime() -- Calculate the timestamp for 12AM UTC-5 on the current day
local today ="*t")
today.year = today.year
today.month = today.month =
today.hour = 17 -- 12AM UTC-5 is 5 PM UTC
today.min = 0
today.sec = 0
today.isdst = false -- Ensure daylight saving time is not considered
local targetTime = os.time(today)
-- If the target time has already passed, adjust for tomorrow
if targetTime < os.time() then
targetTime = targetTime + 24 * 60 * 60 -- Add one day in seconds
return targetTime
local function MainLoop()
while true do
local targetTime = GetNextTargetTime()
local waitTime = targetTime - os.time()
The simplest method would be to create an external API that would return the quest name/identifier and use HttpService to request it.
Then, you could make a simple os.time() check to see if it’s time for new quest and if so, update according to what the API returned.
A different approach would be using MemoryStoreService.
It doesn’t engage any external APIs but it’s less reliable and requires more planning and advanced checks to prevent multiple servers from updating current global quest.