How could I make a object be visible inside fog?

I need a pair of eyes to be visible inside fog, 0 clue how to achieve this without it being choppy.

I tried using HighLight to make it be visisble, but with HighLight when u move away from it, the eyes start being really choppy (as seen in the video, video kinda jank cause i used windows snip, but still same)

I am using Atmosphere to make the fog (cause the fog in lighting looks horrible)

I believe that you can’t do it without using highlight, beams and particleemitters won’t work that well either.

Use a surface GUI. (I tested it)

I’ve already tested it, it sucks more than the Highlight

SurfaceGui (light influence is 0, yet barely visible):

Both same distance.

I just went with using the Highlight, no matter how bad it is, still a more viable solution than anything else out there.

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