Im making a planetary system. These planets of course have their own gravity and sphere of influence, but the Earth is a sphere which is 2048 studs, so I can’t make a sphere of influence bigger, is there any solution to this problem?
Have you searched for solutions?
I don’t really know how to make touched event inside a special mesh.
A SpecialMesh is an instance that applies a mesh File and texture onto a Part.
You cannot. Sadly, its roblox limit
You’d have to make the earth separate parts. Roblox’s scale limit is currently 2048 studs, and I believe it will remain that way. I would suggest going into Blender if you have the app and making a really huge earth there, but I’m not sure if the triangles would fit into Roblox at that point. You can try making a really huge mesh just below 10k triangles, as that is the Roblox mesh limit and then scaling it to 2048. That will technically make it bigger than 2048 studs.
Cut your planet up in more pieces. No need for your planet to be one piece.
You can do this in blender, and then import each mesh one by one.
I don’t have blender right now, is there any other solution?
Install Blender. You can also create a sphere in Studio out of multiple parts, but this is not the best solution. If you want the best result, you’ll need to go the extra mile.
Set scale until as high as big your part is
It needs to be a part, which has a touched event.
Oh, then you can’t possibly make a part instance bigger in terms of actual size.
What about using region3 as a sphere?
I am not familiar as to what Region3 is
It’s basically a “theoretical” region in which you can detect touching parts, etc.
sphere in blender, cut them as a cube which has 6 faces, make them freely sizable
Blender is free.