Hi, so recently I’ve been interested in deepening my mathematical skills with programming, if that makes any sense.
I think this is fairly simple to do, but I have no clue how to start.
Basically, for learning purposes, I’m interested in making a system generate UI frames automatically, but in a circle. So basically a script draws a circle shape out of UI frames.
If anybody knows how to go about making pseudocode that does this, I’d highly appreciate it. Thanks!
First thing that comes to mind is using cosinus and sinus. You could increase the degrees maybe by 1 every step and then get the x and y distance from the center using cos for X and sin for Y value.
So (Pseudo code):
for i in 0 to 360:
placeGui(cos(i), sin(i))
Looking at this page: Trigonometric functions - Wikipedia
is usually pretty helpful since trig functions are used a lot in math regarding programming.