How could I make an ice system like this?

Hello! I am wondering how I could make an ice sliding system where as the player glides on the ice, they slowly slow down. I know that the default ice does this, but how could I make it take longer to slow down. Would I have to add a script? Would I need to change properties? Thank you to who ever could help!

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You need to change the Friction and FrictionWeight of the part. Lower friction means more slip


Where would I find the setting to change the friction? How can I change the friction weight of a player? Would I just change the friction weight of their feet

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You need to go into your ice part’s properties, and enable CustomPhysicalProperties. From there you can edit the PhysicalProperties of it, including Friction and FrictionWeight


hmm. I put the part friction to the lowest and the friction weight to the maximum, still not slipping as much as I would like it too.

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Well there is a limitation for that. And while it is doable with scripts, it would be too complicated. So you’ll just have to stick with PhysicalProperties for now.

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I’m pretty sure irl if an object weighs more there’s more friction, try lowering the friction weight.

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That makes it impossible to slide :frowning:

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