How could i make an obby game popular

If i was to make an obby game which i have been thinking about for the past day how could i make it popular(other than sponsoring/advertising) because there not really that popular anymore

You can’t, it just takes time and advertisement doesn’t work for obbies. Obbies overall aren’t even popular but I would suggest adding a good thumbnail, etc

Really there are not many options and they are not too easy.

1: Play the algorithm and somehow manage to get in people’s recommended tab.

2: apply on the dev forums for a spot on the front page during events.

3: Make a title for your game people will search for but isn’t “overused”
(ex: difficulty chart obbys)

3: Ads. the main way is ads, and a lot of people say they don’t work anymore but that’s because of repetitive ads that are just plain annoying. Make an ad actually interesting or funny and you should gain a few players. Also sponsoring your group with ads can help as well if you have one, and if a youtuber sees your ad and plays it, even better.

What do you mean by play the algorithm

It’s kinda hard to explain. Basically manage to get your game recommended to people, but I wouldn’t try it. It’s basically impossible.

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Oh ok i understand now thanks.