How could i make smooth sound regions?

So in my game right there im trying to do that every zones has is own music but i don’t know how…

My map

I would like that when we changes zones, it changes the music.

I don’t want the music to POP fast into my ears but make the sound slowly going up.
(Not to slow too)

So thats what i need help for.

If possible i would like a full script…

(Its my first topic so tell me if i made errors or if you do not understand.)



you don’t need a script, just create part with the sound in it, and set the max roll off distance of the sound to the radius of each zone. if you want a script you could just tween the volume of the sound when the player touches a invisible part surrounding each zone.


As @FragmentFour stated, use a single Part centered in each zone.
Play with both the MaxRollOffDistance as well as the MinRollOffDistance to get what you want.
Say your entire zone is 500 studs across. Put your Sound Part in the middle and set the min roll off to something like 240 studs (slightly less than half the zone size) and the max roll off to something like 260 studs so when the player walks into that zone it gets louder over a 20 stud distance.


Thank for helping me! This was really helpful! :slight_smile: