How could I make this UI better?

Hi I recently made this UI and I’m looking feedback on it. Any advice on making it look better?


Suggest increasing contrast between text and its background.
Especially on the smaller text.


I think you should probably use “Roundify” (if you want)

Here is the information : “Roundify plugin


Roundify it more, make Shadows for buttons.


You can make a shadow when hovering over the buttons.
Also the bar looks better on the top of the GUI.


You can make it to where when you hover over a button, it outlines the button in a different color. Then whenever you click the button it makes a click noise.


You should not use thin font on colors that may cause contrast ratio when there are thin and white elements overlaying it.

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Don’t wanna sound rude, But the “Buttons” are more like Exploit Functions. It could just be me but it does sound like an Exploit.


Very stylish UI you have so far!

Although TextScaled can be useful when publishing your game across all devices, I believe that sometimes (like right now) the text is sized differently. I mean it is readable and there is functionality, as for the “looks”, different sized text does not seem appealing. You can either try turning off TextScaled, or resized the TextLabels so that the size variation is not as extreme.

Other than that, great job!

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Just to clear any confusions. It’s not en exploit gui. It’s like a admin command game but instead of chat commands it’s a gui. It’s inspired by the Ultimate Troll Gui.

Oh, thanks for Clearing this up, it just looks like something you would see in a exploit.

Maybe adding some different colours. It seems a little dull.

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I suggest putting the search bar at the top, and use the bottom for buttons, or even move the buttons to the top with the search bar. Either way would look nice. I really do like this UI design though, nice work!

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He already uses it, just not too roundy.

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