How could I make water glimmer/shimmer (With example)

I hope this is the right category but I am confused how I would go about making something like this which is made by @Leon_3 on twitter

The shimmer in the water is so good and I would like to know if anyone has an idea of how they made this or if they have a solution. Would be great!


I’d guess you could achieve that with particle emitters.

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To achieve this, you can use Squash and Texture on a particle emitter to achieve such effect.

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You making in Blender or in Roblox studio? If in blender set

metallic in 1.7
specular 1
and a roughness to 0
Its will be gloosy

If you need glimmer just make lights in blender and make it move near water
If in roblox studio- idk

Try using custom materials for water or use this tutorial…