I want to make a lag test game in which I want the leaderstats to show how many parts have been cloned and randomly spawned throughout the baseplate, or “lorbs” in this case.
When I join the game the leaderstats show no value at all, when I set the value to a normal number in the leaderstats script it shows.
I’ve looked for solutions on here but I can’t seem to find any, I’ve tried to work it out myself, but I’m very stuck.
Let me know if you need more explanation!
Module (Workspace):
local Folder = Instance.new("Folder")
local Numbers = 1
while true do
Numbers = Numbers + 1
local lorb = game.ReplicatedStorage.Lorb
local lorbclone = lorb:Clone()
local randompart1 = math.random(-500,500)
local randompart2 = math.random(50,500)
local randompart3 = math.random(-500,500)
local randomrot = math.random(-360,360)
Folder.Parent = workspace
lorbclone.Name = "Lorb"
lorbclone.Parent = Folder
lorbclone.CanCollide = true
lorbclone.Position = Vector3.new(randompart1,randompart2,randompart3)
lorbclone.Rotation = Vector3.new(randomrot,randomrot,randomrot)
Local (StarterPlayer):
Leaderstats (ServerScripts):
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local module = require(workspace.ModuleScript)
local function onPlayerJoin(player)
local leaderstats = Instance.new("Folder")
leaderstats.Name = "leaderstats"
leaderstats.Parent = player
local lorbs = Instance.new("IntValue")
lorbs.Name = "lorbs"
lorbs.Value = module.Numbers
lorbs.Parent = leaderstats
To index the variable Numbers from the module you should first return it, but I suggest you to use a table. Since you have an infinite loop, you can create another thread with task.defer() so the script doesn’t get stuck and returns the table.
local Folder = Instance.new("Folder")
local ModuleInfo = {
Numbers = 1
while true do
ModuleInfo.Numbers += 1
local lorb = game.ReplicatedStorage.Lorb
local lorbclone = lorb:Clone()
local randompart1 = math.random(-500,500)
local randompart2 = math.random(50,500)
local randompart3 = math.random(-500,500)
local randomrot = math.random(-360,360)
Folder.Parent = workspace
lorbclone.Name = "Lorb"
lorbclone.Parent = Folder
lorbclone.CanCollide = true
lorbclone.Position = Vector3.new(randompart1,randompart2,randompart3)
lorbclone.Rotation = Vector3.new(randomrot,randomrot,randomrot)
return ModuleInfo
From here you can just index .Numbers from the module as you were doing, to make sure it constantly updates, create another loop which updates every certain time. Adjust the time to your preference.
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local module = require(workspace.ModuleScript)
local function onPlayerJoin(player)
local leaderstats = Instance.new("Folder")
leaderstats.Name = "leaderstats"
leaderstats.Parent = player
local lorbs = Instance.new("IntValue")
lorbs.Name = "lorbs"
lorbs.Parent = leaderstats
while true do
task.wait(1) -- time it takes to update
lorbs.Value = module.Numbers
Sorry! I’ve only just seen this and it works, thank you so much! I was wondering if you could explain returning to me a bit more, I get really confused when it comes to returning
Sure, return is commonly used in scoped statements or modules, to return a value from a function/module or to stop everything that happens after the return in the current scope.
Returning in functions and modules looks like this:
-- Function
local function add(n1, n2)
return n1 + n2
print(add(10, 10)) -- 20
-- Module
local Number = 2
return Number -- when requiring the module, it will be equal to the variable's number (2).
Return does also stop the rest of things in the script scope to happen, that’s why it always has to go at the end when returning values. Here’s an example:
local VariableThatStops = true
if VariableThatStops then
print("This will print only if VariableThatStops is false.")