How could i mute all the sounds currently playing?

I wanna mute every sound in game once player died. I have an idea on this (playing sounds locally, and multiply volume by the volume factor) but i dont think this will work good. Any ideas please?

Do a quick loop through everywhere you got sounds and either stop them all or mute them all by changing volume to 0

may I see your script?
to mute all sounds just set the Sound.Volume to 0, or to pause or stop completely just use Sound:Pause() or Sound:Stop() or alternatively set Sound.Playing to false when a Humanoid.Died event occurs if you want a sudden abrupt audio effect.

Maybe this’ll help ya:

Give each sound that you wanna mute a tag using CollectionService.

Heres an example:

local CS = game:GetService("CollectionService")
local TAG_NAME = "Sounds"

local sounds = CS:GetTagged(TAG_NAME)
for _, sound : Instance in sounds do
    if sound:isA("Sound") then -- just a check
         sound.Volume = 0

Thanks, it worked. the only problem is that service returns two sounds instead of one (i have only 1 tagged sound). dp you have any ideas on how to solve this? (server returns two sounds too)

Go to view tab, turn on tag editor, then find the tag and click on it.

Once you clicked on it then click the “Settings for Tag” button at the bottom and then click select in explorer.

Then you will see all the sounds within that tag.

checked it. theres only one sound in whole game with tag and service still returns two same sounds instead of one

found the way to do this. you just link sound to sound group and set sound group volume to whatever you like