How could I recreate this camera effect seen in Block Tales [Demo 1]

Edit: Sorry for not enough context, I mean the sideview angle, I wanted to make a 2d-ish game like this

An image would be nice, It’s quite unclear what you’re asking here.

Sorry, I am currently not in a place where i have access to my computer but basically a side view camera like in mario and stuff.

Here is a low quality screenshot i found


This is called Tweening the camera and you can find plenty of resources online to help you learn.

I would suggest watching an introduction to Tweening video (like this one) first.

After, you should learn about Camera Manipulation. This video could help you learn more about it:

After you understand both Tweening and Camera Manipulation you can use both techniques in conjunction to tween the camera where you want it to go.

If you’re still struggling to understand these topics you can find more specific info on roblox’s developer wiki.