Hello! I’ve gotten the idea of doing a community map system quite similar to the fe2 community map system but for a tower defense game instead. This could be a great way to enhance content for community / content creators in my game that i’m gonna try to release in like mid 2024.
But from what i know this could be really dangerous. I was meant originally to use assets that you can publish to roblox to then retreive them, but this could come to a security risk knowing scripts can damage my experience and other, but scripts can easily be dealt with.
My real issue is having nsfw content or other stuff loaded into my game that went past roblox moderation. I still could implement my own “moderation” team which could be checking themselves over the community generated maps but that still could go past or be unnotified over my moderation which really makes me afraid. In those cases, i have no idea if i would be the one getting my experience terminated along with it? Which i really hope not.
So i came here to know what way i could safely do that.
The moderation time seems like a good idea. Another idea you could do is add a GUI or a title that marks the map as made by a community maker so that players could report that specific map to your team in case your team fails to catch anything wrong with it.
Community maps will be placed on a different place because the amount of community maps might be overwelming so… . But the idea of “marking” those maps as community maps is great but i technically kinda did that already, “Highlighted” maps are maps that can be added into the main game for a temporary time as “highlights” if they are good enough so i suppose so here i kinda already marked them.
(At the end of their “Trial” they can be either removed or made as permanent maps tho they need to fit the game modelling style in that case but that is kinda out of context here)