How could one attach a sphere to a part, while retaining its movement?

I am looking to create a model that uses spheres to move, as I heard that spheres can be more stable with physics in ROBLOX. How could I attach the sphere to a part, without it then staying still.

I have tried:

  • Using a weld script to hold it in place
  • Using a hinge, but that restricts its movement to only back and fowards.



Here is the official car tutorial, made by Roblox - Building a Basic Car.

Your information is outdated, spheres used to be better for car physics, but cylinders work absolutely fine nowadays.

Use a WeldConstraint just set the part0 and part1 and you’re done. Let me know if it doesn’t work

I tried this out, but I noted that it locked the position of the spheres.

I just noticed, in a video I saw, the person used “CylindricalConstraints” to replicate what I am trying to create. How can these work?
