For example, the player would be this cylinder. When the player moves around, anything above this cylinder gets “sucked” in, or just unanchored and falls down the “hole”:
Could try experimenting with collision groups by making an invisible part around the blackhole that collides with parts like normally, but collision group so it doesn’t physics bug out- and keep the blackhole noncollide so stuff falls through it, and then shoot a shapecast constantly from the blackhole to unanchor stuff as it passes under them?
Hm, so basically use collision groups and detect parts that are over the hole with a shape cast, but what about the baseplate? Would I just set the parts and the baseplate to not collide with each other?
Also, I’m failing to understand what the invisible part would be needed for exactly (i’m just tired currently), could possibly explain that further?
The invisible part would be used so parts actually fall through the hole rather than just skimming past it, is what i had in mind, collision groups so the invisible part doesnt, 1. collide with the baseplate, 2ndly can allow other parts that are too big to be eaten not be effected by collision.