How did Egg Hunt 2018 make the boundaries?

I am attempting to create something similar to what Egg Hunt 2018: The Great Yolktales did in having boundaries surrounding my game which cause users to fly backwards.

I am wondering how one would do something like this:

My thoughts were that its an invisible wall which detects who is touching it and causes them to active that fly backwards animation. As for the purple effect I am lost for ideas.

I am not asking for help just advice on the best way to go around doing this, and preferably some insight to how Egg Hunt did this.


The purple effect just looks like several ParticleEmitters.

CC @PeteyK473

Upon touch it determines what position and which face of the invisible part the player hit and then draws some particle effects on that position in that direction on the surface of the part. There’s not a whole lot more to it than that. This all happens locally, the player’s client determines the touch.