How did Literally FNF make this?

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  1. What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear!
    I really want to know how did they do the imageslabels (aka the characters and the map background you see there to be in the exact position whenever the camera turn around, but i mainly wanna know how they did the Beat, whenever a beat happens the camera zooms in, but everything goes correct, the position stays in the same, i really dont know how to explain, but i hope you get what i meant

  2. What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible!
    I never knew what they did

  3. What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub?

(heres a footage of what i meant)

I’d like only to receive suggestions, not entirely codes made by you guys who are reading all of this


This would most likely be Image Labels and Tweening if I was to give a guess!


Correct, but one silly thing, when it beats, it sets your position (aka frame that is probably used) and size, and that happens so that the camera turns, there is a very high chance of it beating while turning, which would lead us to a “freezing” scene, and thats why i wonder how they did it

or i might be wrong idk


You could use a surface gui, then the camera could zoom into it and also could have lighting effects such as ColorCorrectionEffects. They could’ve also just used decals on transparent parts.


My best guess would be the usage of TweenPosition and TweenSize on the GUI objects. The game seems to use GUI objects (ImageLabels), so it would make sense for them to be parented to a container frame. This way, the container frame can be moved with TweenPosition which will result in the “camera” moving. For the zoom-ins, it was probably achieved using TweenSize and the container frame.

Here’s some example code for the camera movement:

local containerFrame=script.Parent
local newPosition =, 0,0.522, 0)


Right, that works fine,
And i’d like to only know how they did it, cause its very impressive for me
Not sure if they used Surface gui or billboard gui

I’d like to take a last guess that its using surface gui, and thanks for your suggestions cause i really didnt know, until i tried to search for guis and remembered surface Gui’s

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