How did you guys learn advanced scripting?

I need some help in learning more lua because I self learnt most of it because the youtube tutorials only show the properties of the part, so how did you guys learn how to script complex stuff?


“Advanced”, “complex” are all relative. You need to be more specific, and you can always use the search function at the top right:


Learn as you go, start from the bare basics and work your way up.


I mostly learned some of my scripting knowledge through the developer page, where they have resources on how to script, learn how functions work, and many others.

However, here in the developer forums, there is a tutorial section where you can learn how to do something. Overall, it’s a learning process to learn how to script, but have patience!


For me: Suffering and tinkering free models sometimes
And I watched yt videos, read the devforum.

btw 1 good trick I did was creating the code itself before watching the way on how do you do that

For example: You want to make a shop, but you don’t know how
Then don’t go to yt and just search for it, instead I suggest you to make your own (Yes it would be very bad)
And then you can watch yt and check what did u do wrong, and why is his/her code more reliable. This way you can learn from mistakes.


Thank you, I didn’t know that existed!
now I know I can finally advance in scripting.

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I’ll use that trick before I search up a tutorial on how to make something that includes scripting!

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What I did to get started was learn the basics from free models, and used them as an opportunity to advance.
After that, I just started to advance, looked at some tutorials on YouTube, looked through Roblox API Reference Manual, and just learn slowly.
Learning how to script takes a bit of patience, unless you want to avidly learn, that’s great.


I originally took a Python class at school for a trimester in my freshman year, then used my newfound knowledge to build Discord bots. I eventually caught the eye of a gaming center and landed a job programming for various gaming centers for about 2 years, mostly in Python. I then found Roblox and started developing here; turns out the Lua learning curve is very gentle and I caught on after about a week of tinkering. It’s been smooth sailing since then :slight_smile:
The Roblox Developer Hub is a big help, make sure to check around there if you ever get stuck :wink:


You cant really be advanced with just tutorials since sometimes you’re gonna have to make algorithms or math formulas that cant be found on the wiki or forum.

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I learned a lot of my things from devforum, d.r.c, and last but not least alvinblox and peasfactory in my opinion all of these are great for learning beginner and advanced things, especially devforum. Also just like @Expertsm said sometimes you’ll need to figure things out on your own. I while back I was looking for a gun tutorial and alvinblox’s wasn’t working out for me, so I had to learn the elements on my own and in a different way from others, same for saving tools with a DataStore. It all takes time and you can’t rush it.

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I learned alot through reading through the wiki.

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