How do Animators Manipulate the Camera?

Hey, everyone.

I’ve been seeing a lot of cool animations that manipulate the camera as well as other objects around them. How do people do this?

Here’s an example (via @EchoZenkai)

How does he manipulate the camera? Also, how does he create that rig and animate it at the same time?

I’m not a very experienced animator, but I want to learn more about animating.

Thanks in advance. :smile:


I think that they use Moon Animation Suite for this. Not sure since it won’t run for me for some reason and I mainly use the Legacy Editor.


Hmm, I’ll look into it. I’ve heard about Moon Animation a lot.

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I didn’t make the animation @Robro1030’s to credit for that. But yes, Moon Animation Suite is the tool used to make something easily like this. As far as I’m aware, playing the rigs simultaneously in runtime is up to the developer as moon doesn’t provide support for that. This being said, it does provide a script that you can easily run by following the instructions and Firing one of it’s children events.


you mentioned that “Moon Animator provide a script that you can easily run by following instructions”
how would i access this script?

You should see it inside the folder when you’re exporting the animation.

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