How would I convert a base 10 number to a base N
number given a set of N-10
characters to work with (always using 012345679
and the set represents numbers after)?
Example 1
Number (base 10): 25
New Base: 13
Character Set: ABC (A = 10, B = 11, C = 11)
How could I transcribe 25
from base 10 to base 13?
The answer for this case would be: 1C
(13 + 12)
Example 2
Number (base 10): 4238
New Base: 14
Character Set: ABC (A = 10, B = 11, C = 11, D = 12)
How could I transcribe 4238
from base 10 to base 14?
The answer for this case would be: 178A
(2744 + 1372 + 112 + 10)
What I’ve Tried
I tried loop division for long as the remainder of a loop is greater than 1, however I’m not sure where to go from there.
local Input = 25
local NewBase = 13
local CharacterSet = "0123456789ABC"
while Input > 1 do
local Quotient = math.floor(Input / NewBase)
local Remainder = Input % NewBase
local Character = CharacterSet:sub(Remainder + 1, Remainder + 1)
Input = Quotient