Hello there, recently I see alot empty group finding games. Please tell me how empty group finders work. Im pretty curious
Thank you for your time
Hello there, recently I see alot empty group finding games. Please tell me how empty group finders work. Im pretty curious
Thank you for your time
Could you be more specific? What do you mean: “I see a lot empty group finding games”?
I mean I started to see a lot of empty group finder games so I got curious how these games work
Please give me an example, i’m not understanding what you mean.
I dont think Im unclear. I just ask how these finders work
I’m sorry i can’t help you since I don’t know the subject you’re talking about.
You can:
"id": groupId,
"name": "Group Name",
"description": "Group Description",
"owner": ownerData,
"shout": "Group Shout",
"memberCount": groupMembercount,
"isBuildersClubOnly": false,
"publicEntryAllowed": false
Or whatever. So if the group is empty, the data.owner
should be null
. If it isn’t, that means that the group is owned, and generate a new group Id, I’d suggest adding 1 to the old one, and do the process again.
A roblox proxy I’d recommend: https://rprxy.xyz/
Can you give me a example of how to script that
Sure. I did some work and came up with this:
LocalScript inside of StarterPlayerScripts
local getGroupData = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").GetGroupData -- RemoteFunction called "GetGroupData" in ReplicatedStorage
local id = math.random(1000, 10000) -- Base GroupID to start with
local attempts = 1 -- Keep track of your attempts
local function getEmptyGroup(recur) -- Function to get an empty group
if recur then wait(5) end -- If the function is being called inside of itself then don't run it too fast
print("Attempt #" .. attempts) -- Print which attempt you are in currently
id += 1 -- Add 1 to the base GroupID
attempts += 1 -- Add 1 to the count of attempts
local gData = getGroupData:InvokeServer(id) -- Get the Group Data from the server
if gData.owner == nil then -- If it doesn't have an owner, then:
print("Group didn't have an owner!") -- Inform that the group didn't have an owner
return gData -- Return the table containing the group information
else -- Otherwise
print("Group had an owner.") -- Inform that the group had an owner
getEmptyGroup(true) -- Recall the function to get a new group
wait(5) -- Just an initial delay
print(getEmptyGroup()) -- Let's see if this works, lol
Script inside of ServerScriptService
local httpService = game:GetService("HttpService") -- Get the HttpService
game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").GetGroupData.OnServerInvoke = function(plr, id) -- Listen to the RemoteFunction invoke
local resp = httpService:GetAsync("https://groups.rprxy.xyz/v1/groups/" .. tostring(id)) -- Get the API response
local data = httpService:JSONDecode(resp) -- Convert it to Lua-readable format
return data -- Return the group Data to the client
Make sure you make a RemoteFunction called “GetGroupData” inside of ReplicatedStorage
Worked for me, however this isn’t the best way. HttpService has its limitations such as the amount of GET/POST requests you use every five minutes is 500 and so.
You can experiment with the code, I won’t recommend you use this as it is.