How Do Exploits Bypass Context Levels?

A General Exploiting Question. Exploiters Have Too Much Power. They Can Even Access The Instance Metatable By Doing


And They Can Access CoreGui Even. Something US DEVELOPERS CAN’T EVEN DO! I Am Sick Of Exploiters Ruining Games On Roblox. So How Are Exploiters Able To Get Higher Thread Contexts? And How Do They Get The Metatable Of Game?‎?‎?‎?‎?‎?‎?‎?‎?‎?‎?‎?‎?‎?‎?‎?‎?‎?‎?‎?‎?‎?‎?‎? We Can’t Do That Either. Exploiters Are Able To Do Things Like Make A Client-Sided Anti-Kick Script By Getting Game’s Metatable. Not Only The Games Metatable But Also Like 80% Of The


Library That Roblox Removed. Can’t Roblox Make It So If These Functions Are Used Then Roblox Can Kick The Player? Because There Is No Way That We Can Use Stuff Like


Developers can’t do that for an obvious reason: abuse.

Exploiters know what scripts they run so anything that happens using those functions is controlled by them, or at least they are to blame for putting themselves at risk.

On the other hand, normal players who join your game cannot decide which LocalScript to run and which not to, nor check their contents. Being able to access CoreGui wouldn’t serve much purpose to you, but would greatly help scammers and abusers by letting them to do stuff such as removing the Leave Game button, or making the Buy button of the gamepass popup fullscreen and transparent.

Those are not roblox functions. Exploits implement them on their own. Roblox could implement a very basic detection like checking if a function is inserted into the debug table under the index setupvalue, but exploits would almost instantly bypass it, so there is no point (not to mention this kind of check would be a bad practise in general).

To answer the question in the title, “how do exploits bypass context levels?”, they don’t. Roblox sandboxes the lua code your LocalScripts run, so exploits don’t have to do anything other than… not sandbox it… aka nothing.


I Think You Misunderstood. I Am Not Asking That We Should Access CoreGui. Because I Know The Abuse. I Just Think It Is Crazy That Exploiters Are Able To Do That When We Can’t. I Just Can’t Believe It’s So Easy To Exploit On Roblox. For Example You Can Pay $20 On Synapse X Which I Have Myself And That Is How I Know About The Things They Can Do. I Can Easily Exploit Any Game But I Don’t Because It Just Shows You Don’t Care About The Hard Work Developers Put Into Their Game. I Am Not That Much Of A Jerk. Free Script Executors Usually Can Do Less But They Can Be Destructive Too.

It Sucks That People Waste Time Making Exploit Programs And Then Selling Them, Which Allows The Consumers To Ruin Any Game On Roblox.

They can only stop kicks that are done client-side. Anything done from the server is out-of-reach for them.


As they can overwrite metatable functions (and turn them into a C closure making it impossible to detect) - they can just overwrite __namecall and __index functions to prevent themselves getting kicked from a client-sided script.

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I Am Sure About This. I Don’t Think I Am Allowed To Share Exploit Scripts Publicly, And I Don’t Want To Give Any Potential Exploiters Any Ideas, So I Will DM You An Example Of One. @Equatorium Explains It Well Too.

When they overwrite the function with a c-function the functions are still different so long as you have access to read them you’re able to compare them. Of course there is probably an exploit related function that can directly overwrite the function’s references in memory making this impossible.

Not always right; exploits usually set the underlying function pointer when replacing functions which makes even comparisons evaluate to true.


There are many reasons roblox doesn’t allow getrawmetatable. But the biggest i reason i think there is, is the fact that many free exploits don’t have a getrawmetatable function. That’s cause the exploit developers have to remake it from scratch themselves, but if roblox adds it to the enviourment, the devs don’t have to do as much work as the function already exists in the enviourment.

Just what i think it is. Feel free to correct me if i’m wrong.

I Think You Didn’t Read The Whole Post And Its Replies Or You Misunderstood Something. Of Course Roblox Doesn’t Allow Us To Use


Since It Would Allow Malicious Developers To Be Malicious. All Instances Share The Same Metatable, Even In Different Scripts. So For Example A Free Model With A Virus Could Edit Metamethods Like


And Break Your Scripts. This Is Also Why Roblox Locks Other Metatables Like The String One. At Least I Think.

And By The Way


Is Not A Thing In Lua. Exploiters Just Make That Up. Roblox Would Expose Such Function Via


Which Is What


Points To.

Yeah i get that, that’s another reason. As i said, there are many, and i listed one of them. Kind of sad that roblox doesn’t allow it, it could be useful for detecting exploits better on the client side.

I Am Not Sure You Understand The Topic Because This Is Not About Free Script Executors Using


. It Is About Why Exploiting Is Basically Super Easy And How They Are Able To Remove The Sandbox Roblox Has Put On Us.

Free Executors Usually Don’t Expose Such Functions Because It Would Make Them Way Too Powerful For Their Price: $0.00.

this is not true, getrawmetatable is a direct port of the vanilla lua function debug.getmetatable

I can’t tell if this post is a troll or not as its pretty easy to understand why Roblox doesn’t give us access to functions like this, the main reason being that developers could escape from the sandbox which obviously for an engine like roblox can not happen.


Pretty sure getrawmetatable just doesn’t point to debug.getmetatable because if they did every exploit developer could just implement it directly from:

I would assume Roblox has other internal stuff attached to the instance where debug.getmetatable in vanilla lua does not work.


obviously it doesn’t just point to the vanilla lua function, but it is the same underlying code. the reason most exploits don’t have it is because most exploits are made by braindead kids that copy and paste leaked code


I Think You Are Misunderstanding. I Know WHY ROBLOX DOESN’T ALLOW FOR US TO DO THIS AND THIS IS NOT REQUESTING ACCESS TO THOSE FUNCTIONS. But Rather Why Exploits Are Able To Escape The Sandbox.

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It seemed like you titled it like asking why we can’t do it. Your post is overall really messy and hard to understand.


Even Though I Have Stated Multiple Times Throughout The Thread That I Am Not Asking Why?? Okay Buddy.

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Exploits don’t need to escape the sandbox. The sandbox is applied by the Roblox backend to user scripts it knows of. Exploiters can just opt out of applying the sandbox, and elevate permissions by just changing a number that says “hey I can do this.”

It looks easy, but you’re only seeing the 1% who either worked around the Roblox checks and security or got code from someone who did.


Indeed. Roblox is actively culling old, undocumented replication behaviors (without notifying us about it). It is ignorant for one to say that they’re doing nothing, just because one doesn’t see it happen right before his/her own eyes.

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