How do exploits work?

Just a question i have had. How do exploits work? How do executors like do stuff to the game? Could someone give an explanation?


Why do you want to know how they work in the first place, and are you trying to make a anti exploit for your game?

Asking how they work just for general knowledge or how to stop them is a perfectly valid question to ask without malicious intent. Though OP should have done a bit of searching around to find an entire post about it.


How I see it, is that they basically put a local script inside the game. Of course they don’t actually do this but it’s a good comparison. From their executors they can fire ANY remote event and function. They can also pass parameters through it, and also remove some. They can create local parts, change GUI properties, etc. Basically anything you can do on a LocalScript, they can do.

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Well basically they download exploits and than they will go to your game, they will put the exploit and your game and they can do stuff to your game and change bunch of stuff.

This has basically been answered already, but I’ll go into a bit more detail real quick.

Exploits essentially work by injecting code into the code stream of their Roblox client (which is RobloxPlayerBeta.exe and RobloxPlayerLauncher.exe that you use to play games).

Roblox has a sort of security level system for the permission of code that gets executed. The official article for it seems to have completely vanished, but here’s an alternative one for Security Context.

Exploits work at the highest level possible for a client, meaning that they can access even core features that are normally locked to LocalScripts. But exploits are restricted to client-side code as of the FilteringEnabled update.

(Note that some of the terminology I used here might not be 100% accurate, but the idea is the same.)


Basically, an exploit injects a dll inside Roblox, allowing arbitrary code injection. You can’t really detect if someone injects an exploit, but you can detect what code exploiters inject. Exploits will inject as a localscript and can’t do stuff like destroy parts for the server since FE is enabled. If you want to make an anti-exploit, you have to put checks on the client, for example, if he has inserted a gui inside the CoreGui or PlayerGui, then you need to kick him. Also one tip, never trust the client since you don’t know what malicious stuff they can do. Also, exploiters usually use scripts that are made by others because they either don’t know how to script or they don’t want to make one because it will take time, but these type of scripts are usually stuff to fly, give speed and detectable stuff. Also, RemoteEvents, always secure them. Smart Exploiters will always fire a RemoteEvent since it communicates with the server, so put some sort of arguments the server can decrypt. Hope this helps.


Thank you for explaining. I was just curious on how exploits work. (I have no malicious intent like incapaz said)

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I do know that they download exploits, i was asking for a more techinical explanation.

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Mk, do you need help with anti exploits?


Thanks for considering, but no. Was just curious on how they worked inside.

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