How do game like Bad business make there view frame and how do I apply this in my own game?

Hi devs :wave:, I was making a customization GUI for my game when I had an idea to make it into an interactive viewframe similar to the Ghost Recon franchise my question is how can I do this in my own game?

  1. How games able to make their view frames are so detailed
  2. How can I implement their technique in my game?


What game is this? I’d have to check it out to get a better idea.

The game is called Blackhawk Rescue Mission 5

They most likely use a viewport frame or actually have the model there and set the player’s camera.

I know that but how do they get particles and smoke inside the veiw frame?

iirc those games don’t have any particles or smoke in their UI. If they did however, then it would most likely be a physical model with the player’s camera set because smoke and particles are impossible to render in viewport frames. An alternative i suppose would be using parts as particles or UI/2D particles if you really have to use viewport frames.

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There’s a good model by boat bomber to replicate a humanoid into a viewport. They likely set the camera to a dark room with a light there, maybe use a bilboard gui to put the viewport frame in. And bind the viewport to the players character. Or maybe the character just is there.

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With ParticleEmitter & Smoke instances.