How do games become successful in a cost efficient manner?

I’m just wondering how much robux I need to spend to get consecutive players? Like, if I average a cost of 5 robux per play from a sponsored ad, then to get 100’000 visits I would need to spend about 500’000 robux, which if bought would be about US$5’000, assuming each purchase is $200 for 20k robux. Since not many people have that kind of money, and YouTuber promotion is quite expensive, and the front page is dominated by a select few, how do roblox games get successful nowadays? Sure, some people will find it in search, but that’s not necessarily a great deal. Maybe friends will play off other friends, but again that’s only if you build the player base large enough from big sponsorships. Like, now that I’ve actually done the maths, am I wasting my time or have I missed something?


I Guess if not spend money on promotions, then maybe a catchy title and a good gameplay could get people playing, like the tons of Backrooms games on Roblox, they may not have good gameplay but the title is catchy.


There is plenty of free ways of promoting your game. Such as posting it on social media platforms like TikTok, YouTube, Twitter, etc. Nothing guarantees success, but it’s better than nothing.


I’ve never really spent my money on advertising. I just use social media, my game is heavily related to social media so it works out for me.

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There is one highly overlooked thing which people just don’t seem to talk about. Ignore the advertisements, icons etc. Focus on making your game actually fun. Having 1 million in ads wont help if your game is absolute trash (not saying yours is). But you can easily grow a game to thousands of users by natural growth when your game is incredibly fun. Let me give an example. My friend iTook created a game called “Infinite Multipliers”. The game had around 200 players. 2 days later it hit 4,000 concurrent. What happened you may ask. Well people joined the game and could not get enough of it. Their friends joined and the same effect happened. Ofcourse having an ad campaign is often important, it’s not the main reason a game gets popular.

Keep in mind this is my view on how games get popular and it obviously does not apply to all games. So before you start criticizing me, remember this is just want I have noticed.


That makes sense and I get that. And at the same time, 200 concurrent players is already something big that needs to be achieved. So how much robux did he spend to get 200 concurrent? Because 200 concurrent is already a couple thousand players a day

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Hello I currently have 600 active players. I mostly got these because of the algorithm boosting my game. You can read more about that in this post: