Hello!, I was wondering if anyone could help me figure out how to abbreviate my leaderstats?
I want to be able to abbreviate all of my leaderstats but i don’t know where to start
Here is an image of what I have right now—
Hey I have noticed that you have not recieved an answer to your question. I found this tutorial on YouTube that seems to solve the issue you are having.
I would recommend adding a StringValue and assigning it to the stat you want to abbreviate.
For example, I have Cookies as my StringValue assigned as Cookies.Value.
Next, I added a TextLabel and renamed it to Cookie.
Now, you can use the AbbreviateNumber function to abbreviate the number.
The first parameter is the number you want to abbreviate. The second parameter is the number of decimal places you want it to have. Here, I chose to have it display the number with no decimal places.
The third parameter is the abbreviations you would like to use.
The abbreviations are in the format of {thousands}, {millions}, {billions}, {trillions}, and {quadrillion}.
After that, you can simply put Cookie.Text = AbbreviateNumber(Cookies.Value, 0) in the TextLabel to display the abbreviated number.
Completely forgot about this post haha! I believe I eventually solved it but that’s a good example for anyone who would like to create a similar system. (I’ll mark it as the solution)