For some reason I can’t access User Ads and the site is giving me 0 indication for why it’s happening. I can run Sponsored Ads just fine, but whenever I try upload an image for an User Ad or even simply navigate to user ad page directly, I’m redirected to Create home page.
It’s giving me a vibe that for some reason I don’t have an access for the feature, but I haven’t found any information about that.
Hope there’s someone here who can give me some guidance, because Roblox Support just kept telling me turn off adblock, despite me listing multiple cleanly installed browsers that gave the same result.
I have a talent of stumbling upon exotic issues, I guess. Or this is something absurdly trivial, like maybe I haven’t checked an important box somewhere, but it would be nice to know. Maybe it takes a week to approve an ad creative and I’m resetting that process by attempting to upload an ad from other browsers.
Ads should be pretty instant in the uploading process…
How are you accessing the website to upload the ad exactly?
The correct method is:
Visit creator dashboard at
Select your game
Select Advertise from the hamburger menu on the left
Also just make sure it’s the right size as well and you can also try to download the provided template (try with a different image or a different image format as well)
However it seems you are getting stuck at Create - Roblox
This means you are unable to access the creator dashboard in this instance for some reason
Have you?
1 - visited the creator dashboard before at
2 - Signed in on the creator dashboard at
3 - have you clicked “manage my experiences” to acknowledge that the creator dashboard exists (this is to prevent you from getting stuck on that page)
That was my initial guess, but it has been over a week and I can’t even access the page which is supposed to show at least an empty list of my ads. This looks like an issue with permissions and I’m still paranoid I haven’t checked some box somewhere (but nobody said anything about any settings).
I’m having the same problem, I can’t access the User Ads page, and my friend who is working on my game with me can’t either. I logged into my old account to test if I could access the page there, and it worked. Apparently this User Ads function doesn’t work for new users? I don’t know if this is a bug or if it’s on purpose.
Wow, thank you, I was thinking that maybe I’m taking crazy pills, since everybody seem to not having any issues and not understanding what I’m talking about. Still waiting for the answers from the support, hopefully this will be solved in some way. I don’t have an old account I could use…