How do i achieve pitch black room?

The room im referring to:

The room i have:

You can mess around in the Lighting settings, maybe a little fog can work, or setting the parts darker could also work.

You can easily achieve this effect by just setting the Ambient/OutdoorAmbient to fully black, then setting the EnvrionmentDiffuse to 0 (can also set it like 0.1 to still add a teensy bit of light in if desired). Make a closed up room, set time to night, and you got your dark room.

(very rough example :sob:)

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Yeah but doesn’t that make everything dark and black? i only want certain rooms to be that dark

Here are some things you can try:

If these don’t work fully for you, you can also try:

Doing these will also affect other areas beyond indoor spaces.

If you need lighting to change based on different rooms/areas rather than simply whether or not the room is indoors, you will need to use something like ZonePlus for that.

(sorry for any errors and/or bad formatting, it is currently 6am and i haven’t slept yet)

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Just script regions to transition the lighting values from dark to not dark, etc.

There is no way to make only certain rooms completely dark without scripts due to how Roblox’s lighting system works, but it should be quite easy to implement.

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