I’m currently making a game that generates a random game! Everything works perfectly fine, except…
The way I’m getting the games is through math.random(1, 10000000) & I’ve also tried Random.new():NextInteger(1, 10000000), but it keeps giving me the same numbers every ~30 ids generated, which means its basically around 10 games just in a big cycle.If anyone knows a better way to generate numbers it would be very helpful!
Here’s my code to generate the number: local id = Random.new():NextInteger(1,1000000000)
This works pretty good, except its only giving me games from around 2008-2009, heres my code (I don’t have a dynamic value in my game yet, so I just used random.new)
local someDynamicValue = Random.new():NextInteger(1, 1000000)
local seed = os.time() + someDynamicValue
id = Random.new(seed):NextInteger(0, 10000000)
What do you mean?
I’m trying to get games from ROBLOX’s release to 2024 (present), I think I might be able to work out the generation being slow by adding a “queue” of some sort.
local function generateDynamicSeed()
local someDynamicValue = Random.new():NextInteger(1, 1000000)
local timeComponent = os.time()
local seed = timeComponent + someDynamicValue
return seed
local dynamicSeed = generateDynamicSeed()
local idGenerator = Random.new(dynamicSeed)
-- generate
local id = idGenerator:NextInteger(0, 10000000)
This is still returning games from 2008 - 2012, heres my entire script if it helps further:
-- Services
local replicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")
local marketplaceService = game:GetService("MarketplaceService")
-- Variables
local signals = replicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Signals")
local getRandomGameInfo = signals:WaitForChild("GetRandomGameInfo")
-- Private Functions
local function getUniverseId(placeId)
local url = "https://apis.roproxy.com/universes/v1/places/"..placeId.."/universe"
local response = HttpService:GetAsync(url)
local data = HttpService:JSONDecode(response)
local universeId = data["universeId"]
return universeId
local function getGameInfo(universeId)
local url = "https://games.roproxy.com/v1/games?universeIds="..universeId
local response = HttpService:GetAsync(url)
local data = HttpService:JSONDecode(response)
if data["data"] and #data["data"] >= 1 then
local gameData = data["data"][1]
local gameInfo = {
title = gameData["name"],
creator = gameData["creator"]["name"],
activePlayerCount = gameData["playing"],
favorites = gameData["favoritedCount"],
visits = gameData["visits"],
dateCreated = gameData["created"],
id = gameData["rootPlaceId"],
creatorVerified = gameData["creator"]["hasVerifiedBadge"],
return gameInfo
print("No game data found.")
return nil
local function wordInSentence(word, sentence)
return string.find(sentence, word) ~= nil
local function generateDynamicSeed()
local someDynamicValue = Random.new():NextInteger(1, 1000000)
local timeComponent = os.time()
local seed = timeComponent + someDynamicValue
return seed
local function getRandomGameInfoFunction()
local successfulId = false
local dynamicSeed = generateDynamicSeed()
local idGenerator = Random.new(dynamicSeed)
local id = idGenerator:NextInteger(0, 10000000)
while successfulId == false do
local someDynamicValue = Random.new():NextInteger(100000, 1000000)
local seed = os.time() + someDynamicValue
id = Random.new(seed):NextInteger(0, 100000000)
local placeCheck
local success, errorMessage = pcall(function()
placeCheck = marketplaceService:GetProductInfo(id)
if success and placeCheck and placeCheck.AssetTypeId == 9 then
local successful, info = pcall(marketplaceService.GetProductInfo, marketplaceService, id)
if success then
if wordInSentence("'s place", string.lower(info.Name)) == false then
print("SUCCESSFUL ID: "..id)
local universeId = getUniverseId(id)
if universeId == nil then
local gameInfo = getGameInfo(universeId)
if gameInfo.creatorVerified then
gameInfo.creator = gameInfo.creator..""
return gameInfo
getRandomGameInfo.OnServerInvoke = getRandomGameInfoFunction
(I know :GetNextPageAsync() exists, though it makes the generation process not random, and instead just loop through the first page, second page, third page, etc.)
Try creating a single Random object at runtime instead of creating a new one every time you call for another random number. This way, you can eliminate the seed being a problem.
rnd = Random.new(os.time())
for i = 1, 1000 do:
print(rnd:NextInteger(1, 1000000)
// See if this is psuedorandom: if it is, something else in your script is the issue
Try isolating this function to see if the randomness is the problem as opposed to something else.