hey! this isn’t really about scripting (unless it is, im not sure) but i’ve been learning animation and one thing i really wanna do is have a rig hold a item. (example: having the rig hold a sword) i don’t know where i’d even get the sword from or add it to the animation, help on this would be appreciated
As an example, if you want to create a separate animation for a player’s item, you can use Motor6D. It looks something like this: you need to create a model with two main parts, HumanoitRootPart and Torso, and then connect them with Motor6D. After that, you can add details as needed. If a detail is static, like a sword with 10 parts, it’s easier to connect them with WeldConstraint and leave only one main part with Motor6D.
But if you’re talking about a regular tool, then create it and move it to the Rig model.
Note: This might not be the best method for animation, but it seems to work well enough.
P.S. Animator: 1 day of experience
ok this should work, thank you!
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