How do I add the animations?

Hello there, I am new to this so If posted this in the wrong category, please let me know.

So for a while now I have been attempting to create a sword and a boomerang that can push away the opponent and have cool effect, the problem whoever is that I have 0 idea of how to make this. Also how do I create a Idle animation for the weapons? Can someone tell me how to do it? (This sword I am taking about is the sword of Inuyasha Tessaiga, and the boomerang is Hiraikotsu, Sango’s Weapon)



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You can animate and then script the boomerang so when a player gets touched by it,the boomerang causes some damage to the player.

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Like the other guy is saying, You can animate the Boomerang, script the Max Distance the boomerang has to travel, Add ParticalEmitters for the effects on it. I’m not sure how to Push away a player, but i will look into that, and alot of people have youtube tutorials how to animate certain weapons.

BodyGyro, BodyVelocity and Animation Type: Idle.

The way I would do that would be to add a BodyVelocity for the Hiraikotsu to move forward, I would also add a fromEulerAnglesXYZ to the object(inside a loop) to rotate the object. You can also add particles to give a nice effect, and of course, a Touched event for when the object hits the player, and within this function you can add a certain amount of damage that the enemy will take, and a knockback (basically another BodyVelocity, but this time it will stay inside the enemy, not in the Hiraikotsu (IMPORTANT: don’t forget to destroy BodyVelocity, otherwise the player will be sent to the afterlife))

About the Tessaiga, I think I would make a 3d model to be the effect or maybe make a decal (the decal seems to be the ideal option for this case) just be a little creative, and you can turn a simple cube into the best skill of the game.

Edit: I was going to create an example script, but I already closed the studio lol

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