How do I animate tools in the animation editor?

  1. What do you want to achieve? I want to animate the ban hammer whack

  2. What is the issue? I am unable to animate the tool, only the body parts of the rig

robloxapp-20230310-1745341.wmv (161.6 KB)

  1. What solutions have you tried so far? I did but I couldn’t find the solution

I want to animate a ban hammer whack for the my upcoming experience Flee the Mall but I can’t in the default animation editor


buy the moon animator to make a animaton, for 1700 robux

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uuhhh I don’t have that much robux

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and you can’t buy this :upside_down_face: @VSCPlays

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Just make sure if you welded it right to begin with, add a Motor6D in the rig’s right arm and make sure the Part0 property’s value is the right arm itself, and the Part1 property’s value is the tool itself.

Also, make sure you actually added it in the animation editor’s timeline.


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