How do I apply PID to CFrame lerping?

So I saw the tutorial based on PID and I was amazed at how you can apply it to non-physics based objects like a GUI.

I think it would be really cool if I could apply it to CFrame lerping in order to obtain physics like results specifically for moving a turret so it oscillates and feels more realistic and doesnā€™t always 100% match the target.

Hereā€™s the resource Iā€™m wanting to apply PID to, you can download it experiment if you want.

Here is the code bit related to lerping.

local adjustedLerpAlpha
if step and self.ConstantSpeed then
	local angularDistance = VectorUtil.AngleBetween(currentRotation.LookVector,goalRotationCFrame.LookVector)
	local estimatedTime = self.AngularSpeed/angularDistance
	adjustedLerpAlpha = math.min(step*estimatedTime,1)
elseif step then
	adjustedLerpAlpha = step

local newRotationCF = currentRotation:lerp(goalRotationCFrame, adjustedLerpAlpha or self.LerpAlpha)

self.JointMotor6D.C0 =*newRotationCF

So yeah given two CFrames the current and the goal how can I adjust the lerp alpha in a RunService connection to apply a ā€œForceā€ through PID.


NVM, itā€™s not possible with the current setup because of how lerping towards the goal works where itā€™ll only be in a value of 0-1 so itā€™s hard to find the directionality of the angular velocity we want to control with PID and apply to the current rotation.

Iā€™ll take a break from this problem for now, I believe the solution is to align the CFrame axis like how the AlignOrientation bodymover works by getting the rotation between two vectors of the axis of the attachments.

This is a really cool idea! I might give it a shot and add it as an example use case. If I do Iā€™ll comment here :+1: :slight_smile:

Edit: it works quite well, but it definitely needs a PD controller to deal with the oscillations. But with a PD controller itā€™s super cool! Iā€™ll probably use it as the main example when I cover D control.

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Found the solution, using everyoneā€™s favorite axis angle rotation representation :confetti_ball:

All CFrames no AlignOrientation :shock:

local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")

local part = script.Parent
local target = workspace.gun.Target --random part in a model

function p_controller(kP, set_point, process_value)
	local e = set_point - process_value
	local CO = kP * e
	return CO

local partAngularVelocity =,0,0)
local goal =

	local partCF = part.CFrame
	local targetCF = target.CFrame
	local differenceCF = partCF:ToObjectSpace(targetCF)
	local axis, angle = differenceCF:ToAxisAngle()
	--obtain rotation difference in form of torque
--magnitude represents angle in radians
--axis is well yeah rotation axis
	local test = axis*angle
	--go towards goal rotation of zero difference
	local outputAcceleration = p_controller(0.1,goal,test)
--add torque difference into the parts current velocity
	partAngularVelocity += -outputAcceleration*dt
--Convert current angular velocity into CFrame representation
	local newaxis = partAngularVelocity.Unit
	local newangle = partAngularVelocity.Magnitude
	local stuff
	-- if there is a rotation or else it's a .Unit Nil error
	if newaxis == newaxis then 
	 stuff = CFrame.fromAxisAngle(newaxis,newangle)
		stuff =
	part.CFrame *= stuff-stuff.Position


Yeah, it definitely needs something to stop the oscillations. but wow it does look smooth as if it has physics enabled. Seems like D control will be required looking forward to your follow up tutorial!

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Nice! :smiley:

Hereā€™s what Iā€™ve come up with, it only rotates on the yaw axis, I was thinking itā€™d be interesting to have yaw and pitch be different ā€œhingesā€ / Motor6Ds:


local RunS = game:GetService("RunService")
local PIDController = require(game.ServerStorage.PIDController)

local turret = script.Parent
local turretBase = turret.Base
local yawBase = turret.YawAssembly.YawBase
local yawMotor = turret.Base.YawMotor6D

local target = game.Workspace.Target

local yaw_velocity = 0
local yaw_controller = PIDController.new_PID_controller(10, 0, 3, .1)


	local object_horizontal_offset = yawBase.CFrame:PointToObjectSpace(target.Position)
	local object_yaw_angle = math.atan2(-object_horizontal_offset.X, -object_horizontal_offset.Z)
	local yaw_force = yaw_controller(0, object_yaw_angle)
	yaw_velocity += yaw_force * dt
	yawMotor.C1 *= CFrame.Angles(0, yaw_velocity * dt, 0)
PIDController Module

local t = tick()

local update_c

function update_time()
t = tick()

function update_time_on(event)
if update_c then

update_c = event:Connect(update_time)

return update_c


function new_P_controller(kP)
return function(SP, PV)
local e = SP - PV
return kP * e

function new_I_controller(kI, example_value)
local prev_t = t
local sum_e = 0 * (example_value or 0)

return function(SP, PV)
	local dt = t - prev_t
	prev_t = t
	local e = SP - PV
	sum_e += e * dt
	return kI * sum_e


function new_D_controller(kD, initial_error)
local prev_t = t
local prev_e = initial_error

return function(SP, PV)
	local dt = t - prev_t
	prev_t = t
	local e = PV - SP
	local de = e - prev_e
	local de_dt = de / dt
	prev_e = e
	return kD * -de_dt


function new_PID_controller(kP, kI, kD, initial_error)
local P_controller = new_P_controller(kP)
local I_controller = new_I_controller(kI, initial_error)
local D_controller = new_D_controller(kD, initial_error)

return function(SP, PV)
	return P_controller(SP, PV)
		+ I_controller(SP, PV)
		+ D_controller(SP, PV)


local Module = {
update_time = update_time,
update_time_on = update_time_on,
new_P_controller = new_P_controller,
new_I_controller = new_I_controller,
new_D_controller = new_D_controller,
new_PID_controller = new_PID_controller,
return Module

I havenā€™t put the PID module on the tutorial thing because Iā€™m not quite happy with it yet, I want to polish it a bit more before releasing it properly.

EDIT: Added the pitch Motor6D w/ a separate controller, hereā€™s a video:

... and here's the updated TurretController

local RunS = game:GetService("RunService")
local PIDController = require(game.ServerStorage.PIDController)

local turret = script.Parent
local yawBase = turret.YawAssembly.YawBase
local pitchBase = turret.YawAssembly.PitchAssembly.PitchBase
local yawMotor = turret.YawBase.YawMotor6D
local pitchMotor = turret.YawAssembly.PitchBase.PitchMotor6D

local target = game.Workspace.Target

local yaw_velocity = 0
local pitch_velocity = 0
local yaw_controller = PIDController.new_PID_controller(8, 0, 5, .1)
local pitch_controller = PIDController.new_PID_controller(10, 0, 2, .1)


	local object_yaw_offset = yawBase.CFrame:PointToObjectSpace(target.Position)
	local object_yaw_angle = math.atan2(-object_yaw_offset.X, -object_yaw_offset.Z)
	local yaw_force = yaw_controller(0, object_yaw_angle)
	yaw_velocity += yaw_force * dt
	yawMotor.C1 *= CFrame.Angles(0, yaw_velocity * dt, 0)
	local object_pitch_offset = pitchBase.CFrame:PointToObjectSpace(target.Position)
	local object_pitch_angle = math.atan2(object_pitch_offset.Y, -object_pitch_offset.Z)
	local pitch_force = pitch_controller(0, object_pitch_angle)
	pitch_velocity += pitch_force * dt
	pitchMotor.C1 *= CFrame.Angles(pitch_velocity * dt, 0, 0)


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