I am trying to attach a model to my player, I have all the constraints set correctly, the parts are all massless and cannot collide, network ownership is for the player, and yet the player is tilting and is being effected by it being attached.
The goal is that it’s just attached to him and is not affect the player.
Any idea on what is causing this?
Try making it massless, maybe physics is apart of this
I did thinking that would solve it but it didn’t. In the screenshot they are massless but are still effecting me
did u manually do all these or used script
I did this manually, if it works I implement them the same way in code. I had the model ready then I changed the hinge attachment to one I made on my players back.
can i ask you 1 more question?
why did you use network ownership
The player is controlling their character, if for some reason the characters ownership goes to the server then their would be delay in inputs and if a player goes into first person they won’t snap. I set the network ownership just in case that was the problem.
I was looking into it deeper and it seems when I weld it it works fine, but if the constraints are active they create the wobble. Seems to be the constraints that are causing the issue