How do I authorize in roblox endpoints?

Theres a roblox endpoint that I want to call ingame. Apparently it requires authorization and I cant figure out how do I authorize.
(Please do not mention that roblox endpoints are not available in HttpService)

That particular endpoint doesn’t require authorization, for example here’s the server list for PLS DONATE. If you’re hitting an endpoint with your proxy that does require authorization, you’d need your proxy server to transmit and/or forward a roblox session cookie.

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--Can be found in the Roblox cookies stored in the browser of a logged-in account
local cookie = "The roblo security cookie of the account of your choice"
headers["Cookie"] = ".ROBLOSECURITY="..cookie
--pass the headers to the headers argument of the HTTP function of your choice(RequestAsync, GetAsync, etc.)

Keep in mind to access Roblox resources you need a proxy, however, I recommend setting/hosting your own proxy service instead of using public ones when sending authorization cookies, else you risk the account security if the proxy service gets compromised.


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