How do I become more realistic at building?

Hey everyone so I’ve been a DevForum builder for over 2 years now. But I’ve never real gone for realism I’ve mainly just done like cartoony/low-poly. I’m looking for a way I can make my builds more realistic such as the once’s by @TrustMeImRussian below. I’ve tried making stuff like this by overlapping materials but it just seems very half done and lag inducing. If you have any suggestions people let me know thanks from John.


Are those your builds or examples of what you want to learn?


Those also look re-rendered in Blender.


What I want to learn lol no they’re by Russian. I can do something similar but just seems in practical


Is there a way I can accomplish that in studio? I was thinking maybe using like viewport to create a reflection effect with a custom texture cause I don’t think Roblox textures work with it due to the fact we don’t have the asset ID just by clicking the button.


If you look closely, you can see that almost everything in the photos doesn’t use a roblox texture. Most realistic builds use texture outside of roblox.


I’m not exactly sure if you can with custom texture but i know for sure you can not with the Roblox Studios stuff as of right now. Reflection only reflect the sky.


Yeah ok but how does he make like reflections and bumps and simple but realistic effects. As I said I was thinking about using viewport and a custom texture.


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The first two examples have a good emphasis on lighting. Attention to that area of things can really bring a build to life, and make it seem far more realistic.

In the case of the last screenshot, the reflection is created by mirroring the walls and ceiling beneath a transparent floor.

A few other things to note -
-On top of using textures, you’ll notice that all or most of them are usually subtle and don’t overwhelm the “viewing experience”, other than the floor material/texture which should stand out more.
-Almost nothing is flat. The walls are built with depth in mind.


Yeah ik but with viewport you can actually create a reflections that’s in real time.


This is as much as i can do in roblox studios


I’m mainly looking for reflection and surfaces. I know some people flip it upside down and put it under the map with a somewhat transparent floor but that’s just too much space…image


Are the rocks a skybox or just Terrain?

Both Artblox I think it is does both. You’ll have to go to one of his games.

I mean, photo-realism isn’t really something you would want to achieve on Roblox, or any game engine, really (the massive production cost alone is a deterrent for the large majority of game studios, and even then that’s not actually “photo-realistic”). You want the game to run well, not be full of 4k+ textures and run at 20fps (if at all).

If you want more photo-realism without having to work literally against the Roblox engine, that’s what proper rendering software is for, certainly not Roblox.

I really wish more devs who have an interest specifically in rendering to just make the jump to better, more proper rendering software. Roblox isn’t that, and as far as I’m concerned, is holding them back just from the lack of functionality alone :stuck_out_tongue:


not suitable for roblox for sure, but I gotta disagree with “any game engine”

I agree with Aotrou, a photo-realistic game wouldn’t fit easily with Roblox. You definitely have to worry about the production cost, but beyond that a realistic style has to match precise texture, precise shape, precise coloring, and precise lighting and setting, otherwise it looks kind of off.

But you can definitely develop a style thats close to photo-realism. I think it’d require some mastery over modeling and imaging software tho.

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