Subdividing or bisecting in edit mode could work. Lighting is probably tons of lamps/point lights etc… It’s not my strong point but I am pretty sure that’s how it’s done.
The first thing I recommend is tris to quads, go to edit mode, select faces, press a to select everything, and then press tris to quads.
Select the middle part of the legs, then right click and press subdivide, it will divide it into as many sections as you want.
From there, select what you want to position. You can press R to rotate, and the buttons on the left to position stuff. Keep in mind this can happen, but just press 2 edges and press F to create a new face between them.
![Screen Shot 2020-06-14 at 5.28.20 PM](
Now, in the second screenshot, you may realize the shading is a bit wonky, however you can fix this by edge splitting, press the edges you want to make sharp, press control/command + e (depending on mac or windows), and press edge split. Now, your shading is fixed.
Now, keep in mind that sometimes the shading can mess up, I will show an example:
There are two ways to fix this, one is the edge split method I mentioned before, but the other one is to turn off auto smooth.
In the bottom right, press the Object Data Properties button (
), and then press the Normals menu, and then ensure the auto-smooth checkbox is disabled (has no check).
![Screen Shot 2020-06-14 at 5.36.17 PM](
The reason there’s a diagonal line is because I subdivided it wrong, you just have to undo and keep retrying if it happens to you.
This should (hopefully) get you started. Let me know if you need any more help.