I am trying to create an active ragdoll like GTA and Max Payne but the legs are really buggy. How do I calculate where the foot should be placed based on the movement on the character.
This isn’t the full script but, it’s basically how I tried to calculate the foot position for One Foot. Lik = IKControl
Force = rootPart.Velocity * Vector3.new(1,0,1)
if Force.Magnitude > 0.001 then
Direction = Force.Unit
local ray = Ray.new(rootPart.Position, ((rootPart.Position + (Direction * 5)) * Vector3.new(0,-.1,0)).unit*10)
local hit, pos, norm, mat = game.Workspace:FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList(ray, {char})
if hit then
local attach = Instance.new("Part")
attach.CanCollide = false
attach.Parent = workspace
attach.Anchored = true
Lik.EndEffector = char.LeftFoot
Lik.ChainRoot = char.LeftUpperLeg
Lik.Target = attach
footpos = pos