How do I change a lookVecoter by 90 Degrees?

What I need

So I have a script and I need to make the a part point in a certain direction.
But the normal lookvector is not what I what so I need to rotate it by 90 degrees.

So how would I do that?

I already have the lookvector BTW



Use RightVector for the right, or -RightVector for the left.

Could you demonstrate on how I would do this? I cant figure it out.

Whereever you are using CFrame.LookVector in your code use CFrame.RightVector

The RightVector is a UnitVector that point in the “Right” direction of the CFrame

Well I dont really use lookVector. Well that property.

As you can see my code.

local lookAt =,hitPo)
moveArm.CFrame = lookAt

Sorry if this is bothering!

Could you elaborate on what you are trying to achieve? I don’t have much context with that code.

I am trying to make a part or moveArm, to point at a certain position.

Only problem is. That it yes points towards the position, but cause of the mesh it faces a different direction.

What I need is to then rotate it like 90 degrees.
So it faces the right direction.

Thats what I need!

So what you can do is just append to the CFrame

local lookAt =,hitPo)
moveArm.CFrame = lookAt * CFrame.Angles(0,math.rad(90),0) -- add whichever angle you want, this one adds 90 degrees yaw
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I dont know why I didnt think about this.
I forgot I can just rotate it with CFrame.Angles!


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