How do i change a text label to have an emoji with a SCRIPT

How would i change a text label to have an emoji in with a script? ive tried, and i cant figure out how to put an emoji in a script.


I’m pretty sure you can just copy and paste it.

local textLabel = -- textlabel here
local text = "😩"

textLabel.Text = text

I tried that


What do you mean by char limit? This has worked for me fine.

i said char limit because u know, u message has to be atleast 30 letters :frowning:

Oh, that makes more sense now.

I might suggest trying a different emoji as maybe only some of them work, but I really have no clue why just copy pasting it wouldn’t work.

Copy pasting worked for me.
You can also use unicode escapes if you want to stick to characters that can easily be entered:

local textLabel = script.Parent
textLabel.Text = "😀 \u{1F928}" -- \u{1F928} represents 🤨

Wierd, idk why it didnt work

Char limitt