How do I change blender controls to be like Studio

I’m trying to figure out how to change the camera controls for blender to be like ROBLOX studio because it is a big struggle for me to move around in blender because of its camera controls and it stops me from getting stuff done most of the time.

There isn’t much you can do, but you can change the controls.

Go under “edit” at the top and then keymap. Then search up “Fly” and change it to whatever you would like.


Hmm ok then I’ll try and figure something out. I’m just used to using WASD to move camera around and right mouse button to rotate camera.

This is what walk/fly navigation does. You can use WASD. Another tip, hold shift to increase your speed when you are moving around.

Ok I’ll find that when I get time :slightly_smiling_face:

Try getting used to it, its the best advice i can give, WASD is used for some important shorcuts

Yeah it is but I don’t really use shortcuts but I’ll try still

Well is one thing or the other, you will get used to it at some point, its not the worst thing in the world, and to be honest within the developer software it is the one that looks more like studio and feels, you dont want to mess with zbrush camera… lol

do i believe
shift + f
and you’ll be able to move around with WASD

do shift+f again to stop it

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I’ll try that out when I get time but I’ll put your as solution for now

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Yeah that dose not work but ill just learn to use the normal movement in blender.