How do I change mesh orientation in script?

Hello! I am working on a combat system and I am making it so when you attack a player a mesh spawns and moves towards the player. I have managed to accomplish this task by using bodyVelocity but the orientation is upside down and I need it fixed. How would I change the orientation of the mesh within my script? Here is the following code.

Also, here is what the code does.

If I understood the problem correctly, rotating the mesh 180 degrees around its z-axis should fix the problem, because it won’t change its lookvector. I believe effectsTable[combo[player]] is the mesh. So you could try changing the line where you set the cframe to this.

effectsTable[combo[player]].CFrame = char.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(0, 0, math.pi)

I would also recommend storing effectsTable[combo[player]]. into a variables so that it doesn’t need to be repeated on multiple lines. Also, why are you calling its clone method without doing anything with the clone?

Very much appreciate the reply. Also, I called the clone because the mesh effect was in a folder in replicated storage so I need to clone it to workspace so players can actually see it.

Clone returns the cloned instance and parents it to nil. Your code sets the parent of the original mesh to workspace, the clone is never parented anywhere else than nil.

Thank you for your information. Also, the solution gave to me is a great response and it gives me an idea of what I want to do but when I do math.pi it rotates it on the z axis which makes it face another direction and it does the rotation for the other effect which is facing the right way but it messes its rotation up again.