How do I change my game title?

I am working on a survival game to replace my old one (a don’t starve clone) which was made about 8 years ago. I am doing fine on the game development, but I can’t change the game title, which Currently shows up to me as Don’t Starve (Discontinued). Here is a photo of it:

I already tried waiting a week for the change to happen, then changing the game title again, then the place title, then changing description thinking it was flagged as inappropriate, tried erasing the description, nothing works. Weird part is that on the android App I actually can see the name change. Even people from adopt me posted about this problem but I can’t figure out a solution like themm


Go to (my creations) and click configure start place. if that does not work Try a different name, nothing that might sound, or be inappropriate. and refresh the page!

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The start place shares the same name as the game and sometimes Roblox is weird about which one it wants to take precedence as your name. When this happens, you just need to hit configure and then save again without making any changes.

  • Configure place
  • Change the name as you want, hit save
  • Hit configure place again
  • Hit save again, change nothing (the start place name will be preserved)