I’m a bit rusty with Roblox studio since I’ve not been developing recently.
Wondering if there’s a way to change the color of sunrays and if so how.
I’m trying to go for a cool deep red sun but I don’t know how.
if you go to lighting you can change all sorts of properties including the colours…
Also you can add things to lighting by clicking the little plus sign to the right

I tend to waste a lot of time changing all the different settings till I get what I’m looking for
gl hf
Try making the sun red like how you want it.
As you go into the lighting file you can change the lighting’s brightness to however you want. Just tap the file and change the brightness level!
(If this doesn’t work try the below)
If it doesn’t work out make it neon, add lighting, and adjust the brightness to the Sunray. If you are saying that everytime you make it red it’s orange?
Also I have questions:
- How bright is it?
- When did this issue begin?
Is the red dark or light?
Most important question: What are you using to make the color red??
If you are using a decal that would explain the problem. Don’t use a decal because it won’t show properly because the sun is too bright! Use the paint bucket instead and find the red that’s right for you. Or it can possibly be too bright for your color to show.
Figured out how to change the color of the sun but I’m yet to figure out how to change the color of sunrays. They’re still white meanwhile everything else like the light parts and the sun itself are red how I like it.

Trying multiple settings on the sunrays doesn’t do anything. There’s barely anything to change and there’s no settings that I can see where I can change its color.
You meant to reply to that other girl! Btw try answering my questions so I can better understand the issue.
Unfortunately, I don’t think it’s possible to change the color of sun rays, and it has always been the color white. Developers have already tried convincing Roblox to change it.
maybe try changing the ambient light? or something like that? …