How do I change the game group owner?

(tell me if this is in the wrong area and the wrong topic)

1.I recently was developing my cafe game, when I put the owner of the game to one of my groups, the next day I made a new group for my game, I want to change the games owner to something different, but I do not know how to do that.

  1. I cannot change the games owner and I do not know how, how do I change it?

  2. I went into game settings but couldn’t find a single solution, I havent though of any solutions.

Republish to the new group.

Publish to Roblox As → follow the steps from there. The game will transfer over but the likes/favorites/etc will not as always.


Thank you. (30 characterssssssss)

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If you mean the group owner, you can do that in settings I think.

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